Surgery?! Such a scary thought for a mommy. And for the small 5 year old that is going to be having the surgery. About 2 years ago we found out that little Caden Brooks has extra teeth. These extra teeth are his permanent adult teeth that haven't came in yet. His dentist told us we would have to have them removed but that we would wait until they lower some more. This surgery was not cosmetic...this was for his health. These teeth were so crowded that they would probably never come in and would rot in his palate and cause sepsis.
So....a month ago his dentist said it was time and we scheduled an appointment with an oral surgeon. We went and had a CT scan to find out exactly which ones needed to be removed. Everything was set and we got a surgery date which was Friday.
To say I was a nervous wreck would be a understatement! He would be put to sleep for this procedure and with that is always the chance od "death". You even have to sign papers saying your child could die. What the heck?
His surgery was at 9:45 and everything went perfect. It was about 45 minutes long. We got to stay with him until he was asleep which took maybe 1 minute. He cracks us up because as he was going out he said "This feels good!" Haha!!
But when he woke up everything then was awful and nothing felt good. He screamed bloody murder for about 15 minutes. But once the IV was removed and we could pick him up he calmed down!
Once the anethesia wore off he was right back at playing and being typical Caden! He came home and ate soft food the rest of the day. I mean this kid constantly ate. He hasn't slowed down since. He also hasn't been in pain at all. That child has had one dose of pain meds but that was because the first night I was so nervous I gave it to him even tho he was fine. I just knew he had to be hurting! He has been swollen and he is bruised pretty bad but as of today he acts as if nothing happen.
All in all he had 5 teeth removed. 3 of which were pulled and 2 that were removed thru the palate of his mouth.
Thank the good lord that this child did fine and has continued to do great!!!