The crazy life of a farm family.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Louisiana 2013

 Yes I know it has been forever since I have blogged and I feel a little bad about it. My goal was to keep up blogging and to try new recipes and share our thoughts but life sometimes becomes too hectic! (All mommies understand)
I will do another post on why I have been MIA but this post will be more on our mini Spring break vacation we took.
My dad's sister and her husband live in Louisiana so we went for a visit. The trip started and before we were even out of Arkansas Co Caden asks "Are we there yet?" Yes this question was asked every 30 minutes for the 6 hour drive. By the time we got there I was about ready to tape his mouth shut!
The boys had a blast. On Saturday we loaded up in the RV and drove to see some alligators. And let me tell ya I was more excited than the boys to see some alligators. If you know me then you have heard me say "Let's go looking for some alligators!" Why? I have no idea where I get that from but they just interest me! The boys couldn't believe we were riding around in a house with a toilet! Which by the way they had to use!!
We mostly hung out at their house and played outside. It was gorgeous down there and I couldn't believe how green everything was! Made the trip home a little depressing seeing that we are so brown still.
But we had a blast and I was so ready to get home to my honey! I really missed him and I think he missed me too!!

 This is my Aunt Kathy. That crazy lady let the boys drive her around. Very brave lady!!
 Of course boys have to do their silly faces

 Then the boys took my dad and Uncle Dago for a ride. Brave men!

 I touched it! Ahh I was so excited! These creatures fascinate me!
 Riding in the RV. Yes I made them buckle up. You never know what could happen and we were driving an hour and a half!
 Caden was even a little giddy!

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